Thursday, December 9, 2010

PDR Paintless Dent Repair - Online Learning - Paid Membership

I have been wanting to develop a paid membership site for a long time. I have so many good videos, tutorials and tips to share but I rather not give everything away for free. For the most part, I have contributed to the pdr community well and want to do it even better but it takes time.. and you guessed it, money. But I don't want to charge out the ying yang either.

How it works? It's a paid membership and you can either sign up on a one day bases, one month or 6 months at a time. Giving you access to all of our video tutorials you have never seen before. As you know, I only want to present "professional" material. I really have a lot of pride in my pdr work and presenting them best as I can is no exception either. So what I am getting at? Simple. You will be very pleased and actually can learn something far better than you can for free; including my own videos that are on youtube.

This new pdr training - paid membership section is to be fully functional and launched before Christmas. I really, really think you will enjoy it and the benefits that will help you along your pdr learning journey and career. I will be making an official announcement within the next two weeks for the launch.

Thank you.

Myke Toledo

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