Monday, November 15, 2010

4 Week PDR Training Update w / Tommy Jue

Well, Tommy and I have been very busy lately working on all types of dents. At this point we are doing almost anything that comes our way. Tommy's pdr training is going well and I keep challenging him more and more. For the most part he is pretty consistent and as expected, he does have a hard time at things here and there. I say it's expected because I don't want my students to really ever get the impression every dent will be easy.

Today, I had him work on some complex dents. They looked easy to most and even fooled me. Flat dents with crowns are very deceiving and demand a lot of cross checking with careful tap downs and pushing. If not performed correctly, flat dents will always be very noticeable and wavy. I did video Tommy's progress as usual but it will need some editing. My intensions are to be honest with my training and what all pdr students go through. All get frustrated as one point or another, it's just some handle their emotions better than others.

In the near future, you will see how how it went for Tommy. Stay tuned as usual and meantime, enjoy the slide show. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment if you like. Thank you.

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